Overview of the RESTful API

How it works

Each of the api’s URI match a document or a subset of documents. HTTP methods define actions to do on the document(s).

Theses methods are:

  • GET : retrieve a document or a subset of documents
  • POST : create a new document
  • PUT : update a document
  • DELETE : delete a document

Data format

Only JSON format is supported. You must set the Content-Type header at application/json in all requests to the server.

API responses

The API’s responses contain the standards HTTP codes which are significant of what happened.

  • 200 OK : all went successfully gone
  • 201 Created : a new document was created
  • 204 Deleted : a document was deleted
  • 400 Bad Request : the request is malformed
  • 401 Forbidden : document ressource is forbidden
  • 404 Not Found : document is not found
  • 500 Internal : Server Error : a server internal error occurred

API structure


URI are prefixed with /api/, followed by the document’s type and optionnaly by the document identifier.

URIs examples

>>> /api/<DOCUMENT_TYPE>/

Playing with the API

curl-oauth is used in examples bellow to make request to the server. If you’re not familiar with please take a look at

  1. Get a document’s list

    It’s done by invoking the GET HTTP method on an URI like /api/<DOCUMENT_TYPE>/


    >>> curl-oauth --domain cz-api -X GET<DOCUMENT_TYPE>/


    The server returns data as below

    >>> {
        "total_rows":<Database Document's count>,
        "offset": 0,
               Document data...
    • total_rows is the document count of the specified type in the database, not in the response.
    • rows contains the documents, see data structure for more explanations.
    • offset is the amount of documents that are skipped when request is paginated.
  2. Get document’s count

    To get only the amount of documents, use

    >>> curl-oauth --domain cz-api -X GET<DOCUMENT_TYPE>/_count

    Methods allowed are GET and POST. Search query syntax can also be applied on these urls.

  3. Get a document

    It’s done by invoking the GET HTTP method on an URI like /api/<DOCUMENT_TYPE>/<DOCUMENT_ID>


    >>> curl-oauth --domain cz-api -X GET<DOCUMENT_TYPE>/<DOCUMENT_ID>/


    The server returns one document

    >>> { Document data... }
  4. Create a document

    It’s done by invoking the POST HTTP method on an URI like /api/<DOCUMENT_TYPE>/


    >>> curl-oauth --domain cz-api --json -X POST<DOCUMENT_TYPE>/  -d '{
                    "an_attribute" : "a value", "another_attribute" : "another value"


    The server returns the newly created document with some system attributes such as _id or _rev. Systems attributes are described HERE

  5. Update a document

    It’s done by invoking the PUT HTTP method on an URI like /api/<DOCUMENT_TYPE>/<DOCUMENT_ID>


    >>> curl-oauth --domain cz-api --json -X PUT<DOCUMENT_TYPE>/  -d '{
                    "an_attribute" : "an updated value", "another_attribute" : "another value"


    The server returns the updated document.

  6. Delete a document

    It’s done by invoking the DEL HTTP method on an URI like /api/<DOCUMENT_TYPE>/<DOCUMENT_ID>


    >>> curl-oauth --domain cz-api -X DELETE<DOCUMENT_TYPE>/<DOCUMENT_ID>


    The server returns nothing

Specifics of the API by document type


User base uri is /user

  1. Create

    >>> curl-oauth --domain cz-api --json -X POST  -d '{
                            "firstName" : "John",
                            "lastName" : "Doe",
                            "email" : "",
                            "login" : "john.doe"

    Server response with the 201 code

    >>>     {
              "id": "/user/johndoe",
              "createDate": "2011-10-04T08:19:16.753Z",
              "updateDate": "2011-10-04T08:19:16.753Z",
              "login": "john.doe",
              "firstName": "John",
              "lastName": "Doe",
              "isActive": false,
              "isStaff": false,
              "isSuperuser": false,
              "lastSeen": null,
              "dateJoined": null,
              "groups": "/user/johndoe/groups"

    Note that id was generated from the provided login.

  2. Update

    You can make a request with partial data or with a complete data structure.

    >>> curl-oauth --domain cz-api --json -X PUT  -d '{
                    "firstName" : "Jack"

    Server response with the 200 code

    >>> {
              "id": "/user/johndoe",
              "createDate": "2011-10-04T08:19:16.753Z",
              "updateDate": "2011-10-04T08:24:30.840Z",
              "login": "john.doe",
              "firstName": "Jack",
              "lastName": "Doe",
              "isActive": false,
              "isStaff": false,
              "isSuperuser": false,
              "lastSeen": null,
              "dateJoined": null,
              "groups": "/user/johndoe/groups"
  1. Delete

    >>> curl-oauth --domain cz-api --X DELETE

    Server response with the 204 code and an empty body.


Group base uri is /group

  1. Create

    >>> curl-oauth --domain cz-api --json -X POST  -d '{
                    "title" : "My group",
                    "description" : "Description of my first group"

    Server response with the 201 code

    >>> {
              "id": "/group/my-group",
              "createDate": "2011-10-04T08:32:01.231Z",
              "updateDate": "2011-10-04T08:32:01.231Z",
              "title": "My group",
              "description": "Description of my first group",
              "writeGroups": "/group/my-group/perms/wg",
              "writeUsers": "/group/my-group/perms/wu",
              "users": "/group/my-group/users"

    Note that id was generated from the provided title.


Membership base uri is /membership

  1. Create

    >>> curl-oauth --domain cz-api --json -X POST  -d '{
                            "user" :  "/user/johndoe",
                            "group" : "/group/my-group"

    Server response with the 201 code

    >>> {
              "id": "/membership/0b3bcb3a4b4fd153e2373f7ec49f5a57",
              "createDate": "2011-10-04T08:40:32.117Z",
              "updateDate": "2011-10-04T08:40:32.117Z",
              "group": "/group/my-group",
              "user": "/user/johndoe"

    A membership document is a relation between a user and a group.

  2. Get user’s groups

    If you want to list all groups for a user just query the uri stored in the “group” attribute of the user document

    >>> curl-oauth --domain cz-api -X GET

    Server response

    >>> {
              "total_rows": 1,
              "offset": 0,
              "rows": [
                  "group": "/group/my-group",
                  "createDate": "2011-10-04T08:40:32.117Z",
                  "updateDate": "2011-10-04T08:40:32.117Z",
                  "id": "/membership/0b3bcb3a4b4fd153e2373f7ec49f5a57"

    The server will return all membership documents for the user. Observe that user attribute of the membership document is not here.

    If you want in the same query fetch the group document you can do it with the special query string parameter include_docs

    >>> curl-oauth --domain cz-api -X GET

    server response

    >>> {
              "total_rows": 1,
              "offset": 0,
              "rows": [
                  "group": {
                    "title": "My group",
                    "users": "/group/my-group/users",
                    "description": "Description of my first group",
                    "writeUsers": "/group/my-group/perms/wu",
                    "createDate": "2011-10-04T08:32:01.231Z",
                    "updateDate": "2011-10-04T08:32:01.231Z",
                    "writeGroups": "/group/my-group/perms/wg",
                    "id": "/group/my-group"
                  "createDate": "2011-10-04T08:40:32.117Z",
                  "updateDate": "2011-10-04T08:40:32.117Z",
                  "id": "/membership/0b3bcb3a4b4fd153e2373f7ec49f5a57"
  3. Get group’s users

    You can fetch the group’s members by requesting on the “users” attribute of the group document

    >>> curl-oauth --domain cz-api -X GET


    >>> curl-oauth --domain cz-api -X GET
  4. Update


    Update are not allowed on membership uri.

  5. Delete

    To delete a membership relation, proceed in the same way as others documents

    >>> curl-oauth --domain cz-api --X DELETE


Agenda base uri is /agenda

  1. Create

    >>> curl-oauth --domain cz-api --json -X POST  -d '{
                            "title" : "My private agenda",
                            "description" : "description of my private agenda"

    Server response

    >>> {
      "id": "/agenda/my-private-agenda",
      "createDate": "2011-10-04T09:06:38.071Z",
      "updateDate": "2011-10-04T09:06:38.071Z",
      "title": "My private agenda",
      "description": "description of my private agenda",
      "writeGroups": "/agenda/my-private-agenda/perms/wg",
      "writeUsers": "/agenda/my-private-agenda/perms/wu"

    Note that id was generated from the provided title.


    Agenda is used on event to restrict creation, update and deletion. To do an operation on an event that is part of an agenda you must have write access on the agenda.


Category base uri is /category


Create, update or delete a category require staff privilege.

  1. Create

    >>> curl-oauth --domain cz-api --json -X POST  -d '{
                            "title" : "A category",
                            "description" : "a description"

    Server response

    >>> {
      "id": "/category/b31398e4e0de03ef76bb168e32e41948",
      "createDate": "2011-10-04T09:06:38.071Z",
      "updateDate": "2011-10-04T09:06:38.071Z",
      "title": "A category",
      "description": "a description"


Event base uri is /event

  1. Create

    >>> curl-oauth --domain cz-api --json -X POST  -d '{
                    "event" : {
                            "title" : "My first event",
                            "where" : [{"valueString" : "Somewhere on earth planet !"}],
                            "links" : [{"rel" : "describedby", "href" : "/schema/event"}],
                            "category" : "/category/b31398e4e0de03ef76bb168e32e41948"

    Data structure in the event attribute is written according to schema /schema/event. see schemas

    Server response

    >>> {
              "id": "/event/b31398e4e0de03ef76bb168e32e41948",
              "createDate": "2011-10-04T09:14:28.281Z",
              "updateDate": "2011-10-04T09:14:28.281Z",
              "event": {
                "title": "My first event",
                "where" : [{"valueString" : "Somewhere on earth planet !"}],
                    "links" : [{"rel" : "describedby", "href" : "/schema/event"}],
                    "category" : "/category/b31398e4e0de03ef76bb168e32e41948"
              "author": "/user/johndoe",
              "writeGroups": "/event/b31398e4e0de03ef76bb168e32e41948/perms/wg",
              "readGroups": "/event/b31398e4e0de03ef76bb168e32e41948/perms/rg",
              "writeUsers": "/event/b31398e4e0de03ef76bb168e32e41948/perms/wu",
              "readUsers": "/event/b31398e4e0de03ef76bb168e32e41948/perms/ru",
              "agenda": null

    Note that author was automatically added according to your oauth domain

  2. Moderate

    Events have moderate attributes which are approvedBy and disapprovedBy. These attributes are populate with special urls:

    • /api/event/<EVENT_ID>/moderate/approve
    • /api/event/<EVENT_ID>/moderate/disapprove

    These urls accept POST and DELETE http methods.

    Operation is that when a request is made on one of these urls. The attributes approvedBy and disapprovedBy are populated with the request user id.

    Approve an event

    >>> curl-oauth --domain cz-api -X POST

    Disapprove an event

    >>> curl-oauth --domain cz-api -X POST

    Remove an approval

    >>> curl-oauth --domain cz-api -X DELETE

    Remove a disapproval

    >>> curl-oauth --domain cz-api -X DELETE

    To fetch events that has been approved, a search request can be done like this. See search for more informations about searching.

    >>> curl-oauth --domain cz-api  -X DELETE -d 'q=approvedBy:/user/johndoe'


Entity base uri is /entity

  1. Create

    >>> curl-oauth --domain cz-api --json -X POST  -d '{
                    "entity" : {
                            "type" : "organization",
                            "name" : "My organization",
                            "where" : [{"valueString" : "Somewhere on earth planet !"}],
                            "links" : [{"rel" : "describedby", "href" : "/schema/organization"}]

    Data structure in the entity attribute is written according to schemas /schema/organization or /schema/person. see schemas

    Server response

    >>> {
              "writeUsers": "/entity/74319158a22cb48e4cf2b8aa32344695/perms/wu",
              "author": "/user/johndoe",
              "createDate": "2011-11-02T08:27:44.115Z",
              "writeGroups": "/entity/74319158a22cb48e4cf2b8aa32344695/perms/wg",
              "entity": {
                "where": [
                    "valueString": "Somewhere on earth planet !"
                "type": "organization",
                "name": "My organization",
                "links": [
                    "href": "/schema/organization",
                    "rel": "describedby"
              "updateDate": "2011-11-02T08:27:44.115Z",
              "id": "/entity/74319158a22cb48e4cf2b8aa32344695"

    Note that author was automatically added according to your oauth domain


Permission documents are used to define access rights on documents.

A permission document is composed of two attributes:
  • grantTo which defines who has the permission. It could be a group or an user.
  • applyOn which defines the document on which the permission is applied.

All documents types don’t have all permissions types. More information can be found here

To create a permission on a document:

>>> curl-oauth --domain cz-api --json -X POST<DOCUMENT_TYPE>/<PERMISSION_CODE> -d '{
                "applyOn" : "<DOCUMENT_ID>",
                "grantTo" : "<GROUP_OR_USER_ID>"

Base permission uri varies depending on the document type and the permission type.

Permissions types and code are:
  • write user : wu
  • read user : ru
  • write group : wg
  • read group : rg

Special values for grantTo to grant privileges to all users or to all groups are /user/all and /group/all.

For example, to grant write privilege to group /group/my-group on an event document

>>> curl-oauth --domain cz-api --json -X POST -d '{
                "applyOn" : "/event/b31398e4e0de03ef76bb168e32e41948",
                "grantTo" : "/group/my-group"


Documents searches are restricted to types event, agenda, group, entity and user.

Searches urls are:

Methods allowed are POST and GET.

Search query is contained in the q attribute:

>>> q=fulltext search field1:... field2:...>

Field syntax

To query a field that is not on top of the field hierarchy, use a single point to chain fields. For example, a document such as below

>>> {
        "field1" : {"field2" : "value"}

can be queried with

>>> q=field1.field2:value

Text searches

This kind of search is applied on fulltext searches and text field searches. So searches examples below can be rewrite as:

>>> q=field:<search sample>
  1. Phrase searches

    A Phrase is a group of words surrounded by double quotes such as “hello dolly”.

    >>> q="event title"
  2. Wildcards searches

    Single and multiple characters wildcard search are supported.

    For single character wildcard use : ”?”

    >>> q=some?hing

    For multiple characters wildcard use : “*”

    >>> q=some*ng

    Wildcards can be placed at the beginning, end or in the middle of the search string.

    Wildcards are not useable with phrase search.

  3. Fuzzy searches

    Fuzzy searches are based on the Levenshtein Distance. To do a fuzzy search use the tilde, “~”, symbol at the end of a Single word Term.

    >>> q= somethink~

    This search will find terms like something.

    Fuzzy searches are not useable inside a phrase search.

  4. Boolean operators

    Boolean operators allow terms to be combined through logic operators. Operators supported are and, “+”, or, not and “-”.

    You can use boolean operator to combine term and phrase query.

    The OR operator is the default conjuncton operator.

    >>> q=event title

    is exactly the same as

    >>> q=event or title

    The plus operator define a term as required.

    >>> q=+event title

    means that documents MUST contain event and MAY contain title.

    The not operator excludes documents that contain the term after not.

    To search document that contain “first stage” but not “second stage” use the query:

    >>> q="first stage" not "second stage"

    The not operator cannot be used with just one term. For example, the following search will return no results:

    >>> q=not "second stage"

    The “-” or prohibit operator excludes documents that contain the term after the “-” symbol.

    >>> q=-"second stage"
  5. Grouping

    Use parentheses to group clauses to form sub queries. This can be very useful if you want to control the boolean logic for a query.

    >>> q=(second OR first) and stage

Date searches

Date are formated as:


Datetime are formated as:

>>> YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ
  1. Exact date searches

    >>> q=dateField:2011-12-31
    >>> q=dateField:2012-01-01
  2. Date range searches

    Date range syntax is [from TO to]. The range operator “TO” must be CAPS.

    From and to can be a date, datetime, NOW or *.

    To search for documents that were created last year use this query:

    >>> q=createDate:[2010-01-01 TO 2010-12-31]

    To search for documents that were created this year use this query:

    >>> q=createDate:[2011-01-01 TO NOW]

    NOW will be replaced by current date

    To search for documents that were created before now use this query:

    >>> q=createDate:[* TO NOW]

Boolean searches

Boolean values are TRUE or FALSE. They must be CAPS.

>>> q="isActive:TRUE"

Geographic searches

In bounding box and distance searches are supported.
  1. In bounding box searches

    Use this query to search documents that take place in a bounding box

  2. Distance searches

    Use this query to search document that take place at 30 km from the point -0.3686 (lon), 43.3017 (lat)

    >>> q=geoField:[-0.3686 43.3017 DISTANCE 30km]

    Units supported for distance value are kilometers (km), or miles (mi)

Multiple searches for a same field

To apply multiple search query on a same field, just define the query more than one

>>> q=dateField:2011-12-03 dateField:2011-12-05

Special characters

The current list special characters are: + - && || ! ( ) { } [ ] ^ ” ~ * ? :

To escape these character use the before the character.


Sort is done by passing a “sort” parameter in query string or body according to http method.

Sort fields depends on document types.

For event:

  • createDate
  • updateDate
  • event.title
  • event.when.startTime
  • event.when.endTime
  • distance (only if a distance query was done)
For agenda and group:
  • createDate
  • updateDate
  • title

For entity:

  • createDate
  • updateDate
  • entity.firstName
  • entity.lastName
  • distance (only if a distance query was done)
For user:
  • createDate
  • updateDate
  • lastSeen
  • joinedDate
  • login
  • firstName
  • lastName

For example, to sort events by distance ascendant and start date descendant, use the query below

>>> sort=distance -event.when.startTime

Sample usages

Query that retrieve events that took place in 2010 and contain “foundation”, ordered by start date, paginated by 20 documents

>>> curl-oauth --domain cz-api -X GET ' event.when.startTime:[2010-01-01 TO 2010-12-31]&sort=event.when.startTime'


>>> curl-oauth --domain cz-api -X POST -d 'from=0&size=20&q=foundation event.when.startTime:[2010-01-01 TO 2010-12-31]&sort=event.when.startTime'


>>> curl-oauth --domain cz-api --json -X POST -d '{
                "q":"foundation event.when.startTime:[2010-01-01 TO 2010-12-31]",